We work hard to educate our patients, and the communities of Naples, Bonita Springs, and Estero at large, to stay out of the sun and to always use effective sunscreen. We also encourage our patients to perform periodic self-examinations, but we believe the best way to identify potential skin a cancer is through annual full-body skin examinations with qualified medical professionals. It is virtually impossible to look at your own skin in its entirety, and unfortunately skin cancers can hide from sight or be mistaken for harmless skin growths.
Click here to read our blog, “A More Precise Skin Cancer Screening.”
Because early detection is the key to successful treatment, we continue to emphasize the importance of regular screenings, knowing that proactive prevention and early detection continue to be the smartest strategies.
Please call our toll free number at 844.485.0104 for a consultation at one of our offices in Naples, Bonita Springs, or Estero or…