Posted on December 08, 2016
Enjoy up to $200 in savings on Restylane Lyft or Restylane Silk this holiday season.
Syringes may be off Restylane Lyft, Restylane Silk or a combination of the 2 products. While supplies last!
What is Restylane Silk?
The lips and the lines around the mouth, like other areas of the face, show signs of aging as you get older. This often results in lip thinning, lost shape and an increase in vertical lines above the lip. Restylane Silk is designed specifically to provide natural-looking results in these particular areas by using smaller, smoother hyaluronic acid particles than those used in other Restylane® products.
How does Restylane Lyft Work?
Over time, the natural fat that surrounds the cheeks begins to deteriorate, resulting in sagging skin, more prominent wrinkles and a reduction of volume. Through nonsurgical injections, Restylane Lyft is specifically designed to add fullness to the cheeks and midface area, which can result in a more natural-looking, youthful appearance.
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